People have been making Geomag models for a long time (at the very least 15 years maybe 20). I dedicate this page to the Geomag community where I have gathered hundreds of the fantastic creations they have built and that I could replicate after roaming through the internet.
Created on October 2, 2024.
A lot of great people have been sharing polyhedra stuff on the internet. This is a tribute to them where I have gathered websites, pages, illustrations, pieces of software, toys that I came upon over the years. If you think yours is missing, write to me please.
Created on June 08, 2024. Last update on August 03, 2024.
The goal is to gather near miss solids found by people across the internet and display them here, in this amazing interactive gallery !
Created on June 22, 2024. Last update on August 02, 2024.
Voxel models are nice so I made an interactive viewer to help people reproduce some of my original cube-based modular origami models.
Created on May 11, 2024.
What kind of structures would you be able to build if you had a few hundred or thousand dodecahedra or icosahedra at hand ? A surprising answer is Golden Rhombic Solids among other things like tree and flower like structures.
Created on August 26, 2023.
Once again, I am making a viewer, this time the challenge is about handling very large datasets of polycubes. Everything started from a YouTube video, what a surprise !
Created on August 16, 2023. Last update on September 9, 2023.
I've already tackled the problem in 2D. Here is the rest of the story in one more dimension. It is unexpectedly simple ! Yeah !
Created on August 8, 2022. Last update on May 25, 2023.
I have added a new feature to the viewer, namely a way to search for a specific polyhedron according to its number of vertices, faces and other filters. There is also new Geomag and Supermag models as well as the corresponding render style.
Created on March 11, 2023.
The golden ratio is a mathematic wonder that when applied to polyhedra outputs a new category surprising by its properties. It led to edge augmented polyhedra and some improvements of the viewers.
Created on January 21, 2023.
In a previous post, I have presented parquet polygons. I have transposed the generation code into JavaScript and made an interactive viewer out of it.
Created on October 1, 2022. Last update on October 1, 2022.
I like playing with magnets but it is limited to simple models with a few hundreds of elements at most. Here I show my results of using Stella software to produce more complex model using repetitive actions.
Created on September 24, 2022. Last update on September 24, 2022.
During my childhood, my parents bought me Legos, K'nex, Megabloks and Meccano sets. Apart from the Lego, the only ones I have kept are my three boxes of Supermag Magnetic Genius.
Created on August 20, 2022. Last update on April 21, 2023.
During my quest towards polyhedron with regular faces, I have discovered the work of a lifetime by Alain Lobel, a French architect. This is will be the first of many post on the subject.
Created on August 8, 2022. Last update on August 8, 2022.
As a complement to the main viewer, here are galleries for the polyhedra organized by family.
Created on July 18, 2022. Last update on July 23, 2022.
The interest arose during some thinking about the arrangement of faces around the vertex of a polyhedron. Here is the solution in 2D.
Created on July 17, 2022. Last update on July 17, 2022.
The idea behind parquet polygons is to extend regular polygons to convex shapes made of them. Here, I will show what they look like and how to generate them. At the end, they will be turned into prisms to be viewed with the polyhedra viewer !
Created on June 27, 2022. Last update on June 27, 2022.
Here is the full screen interactive viewer for polyhedra. I will use it to display all the polyhedra I have found over the internet or made by myself.
Created on June 26, 2022. Last update on June 26, 2022.
Even though I have not explained anything about convex polyhedra with regular faces yet, I have decided to post this network first. It is a tool I have made to better visualize the construction relationship between the many solids.
Created on December 3, 2018. Last update on January 25, 2019.