Geometry : Geomag Models and Search Bar

Created on March 11, 2023. Last update on March 13, 2023.

Here is the link for the improved viewer. Use the appropriate filters in the search bar to view a selection. Instructions about the filters are available in the info box on the bottom left corner. As a reminder, here is what it says:

  • any word finds all polyhedra which name includes the word
  • v:=4 finds all polyhedra which number of vertices equals 4
  • e:>12 finds all polyhedra which number of edges is strictly greater than 12
  • f:<23 finds all polyhedra which number of faces is strictly smaller than 23
  • 5-gon:404 finds all polyhedra which number of faces that are 5-gons is equal to 404
  • category:Archimedean finds all polyhedra which belongs to the Archimedean category. This filter is case sensitive.

The viewer contains all of the polyhedra that were presented in previous post for a total of more than 3400 polyhedra. It includes new models from the Geomag Forum and Geomag Wiki if you search for category:fromGeomag.

The render style have been updated, sticks can be replaced by Supermag or Geomag rods now, sphere shape are rescaled accordingly. I am also using an environment map as the illuminant and an adequate material which makes the spheres look metallic.

I think this viewer will be updated with new models since the backend is much easier to update than the ones from the previous posts. Moreover, here is the link to the polyhedron database in OBJ format. Enjoy !