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A ray set is a collection of rays each characterized by their position, direction and the amount of flux they transport. They are usually traced by an optical simulation software that propagates light rays from a light source through a catadioptric system. They represent the complete distribution of light that such an optical system emits and can be used as a substitute for this complex light source.

This viewer aims at visualizing the distribution of millions of rays written in several formats: the IES-TM-25 file format (.TM25RAYS), the ASCII format with a single header line (.TXT), the SPEOS ray format (.RAY) and the Ray Jack One format (.RJ1DIS). If you wish to visualize such a dataset, please open your own or pick one from the

  • OSRAM catalog of light sources
  • . The viewer also computes and shows the resulting intensity distribution which you would usually get as an IES or LDT file from the light source manufacturer.

    This three.js viewer was inspired by http://stemkoski.github.io/Three.js/ by Lee Stemkoski.